Fit VBLab supported or custom models using the Manifold GVB method
Post = MGVB(Mdl,data,Name,Value)
Post = MGVB(Mdl,data,Name,Value)
runs the MGVB algorithm to return the estimation results Post
given the model Mdl
and data data
. The model Mdl
can be a VBLab supported or custom model. The custom models can be defined as class objects or function handles. Name
and Value
specify additional options using one or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can specify how many samples used to estimate the lower bound.
See: Input Arguments, Output Argument, Examples
Input Arguments
Data type: VBLab model object | custome model object | function handle
The statistical models containing unknown parameters, can be specified as:
Data type: 2D array | 1D array | table
The data to which the model Mdl
or Func
is fitted, specified as a table or matrix.
For cross-sectional data, MGVB takes the last variable as the response variable and the others as the predictor variables.
For time series data, the data can be stored in a row or column 1D array.
Name-Value Pair Arguments
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value
arguments. Name
is the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value. Name
must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN
Example: 'LearningRate',0.001,'LBPlot',true
specifies that the learning rate of the MGVB algorithm is set to be $0.001$ and the plot of the covergence of the lowerbound is shown at the end of the algorithm.
Name | Default Value | Notation | Description |
'GradWeight' | 0.4 | $\alpha_m$ | Momentum weight |
'GradientMax' | 10 | $\ell_\text{threshold}$ | Gradient clipping threshold |
'GradientMaxInit' | None | Gradient clipping threshold for the first iteration | |
'InitValue' | None | Initial values of varitional mean | |
'LBPlot' | true | Flag to plot the lowerbound or not | |
'LearningRate' | 0.01 | $\epsilon_0$ | Fixed learning rate |
'MaxIter' | 1000 | Maximum number of iterations | |
'MaxPatience' | 20 | $P$ | Maximum patience for early stopping |
'NumSample' | 50 | $S$ | Monte Carlo samples to estimate the lowerbound |
'NumParams' | None | Number of model parameters | |
'SaveParams' | false | Flag to save training parameters or not | |
'Setting' | None | Additional setting for custom models | |
'SigInitScale' | 0.1 | Constant factor for initialization | |
'StdForInit' | 0.01 | Standard deviation of normal distribution for initialization | |
'StepAdaptive' | 'MaxIter'/2 | $\tau$ | Threshold to start reducing learning rates |
'TrainingLoss' | PPS | Training loss over VB iterations | |
'Verbose' | true | Flag to show real-time fitting information or not | |
'WindowSize' | 50 | Rolling window size to smooth the lowerbound |
'GradWeight' - Momentum weight
Data Type: Double
The momentum weight
Must be a number between $0$ and $1$.
Default: 0.4
Example: 'GradWeight1',0.5
'GradientMax' - Gradient clipping threshold
Data Type: Double | Positive
The maximum value of the the gradient to prevent the exploding gradient problem that occurs when the gradient gets too large, thus making the optimization for the model parameters (e.g., using gradient descent) highly unstable.
Default: 100
Example: 'GradientMax',10
'GradientMaxInit' - Gradient clipping threshold
Data Type: Double | Positive
The maximum value of the the gradient to prevent the exploding gradient problem that occurs when the gradient gets too large after the first VB iteration.
Default: None
Example: 'GradientMaxInit',10
'InitValue' - Initial value of varitional mean
Data Type: Column vector
The column vector of initial values of variational parameters. For example, we can use the point estimation of model parameters from MLE to initialize the VB techniques.
Default: None
Example: 'InitValue',zeros(D,1)
'LBPlot' - Flag to plot the lowerbound or not
Data Type: True | False
Flag to plot the smoothed lowerbound over iterations to quicly check the convergence of the VB algorithm.
Default: true
Example: 'LBPlot',false
'LearningRate' - Fixed learning rate
Data Type: Double | Between 0 and 1
The fixed learning rate to update the variational parameters in each VB iteration.
Must be a number between $0$ and $1$.
Default: 0.01
Example: 'LearningRate',0.001
'MaxIter' - Maximum number of iterations
Data Type: Integer | Positive
Maximum number of VB iterations for early stopping. If the 'BatchSize'
argument is specified, users have to use the 'MaxEpoch'
argument to specify the maximum number of iterations instead.
Default: 1000
Example: 'MaxIter',1000
'MaxPatience' - Maximum patience for early stopping
Data Type: Integer | Positive
Number of consecutive times that the validation loss, or lowerbound, is allowed to be larger than or equal to the previously smallest loss, or lowerbound, before the training is stopped, used as an early stopping criterion.
Default: 20
Example: 'MaxPatience',100
'NumSample' - Monte Carlo samples to estimate the lowerbound
Data Type: Integer | Positive
Number of Monte Carlo samples needed to estimate the gradient of the lower bound.
Default: 50
Example: 'NumSample',100
'NumParams' - Number of model parameters
Data Type: Integer | Positive
Number of model parameters.
- If the handle of the function calculating the $h(\theta)$ and $\nabla_\theta h(\theta)$ terms is provided, users have to specify a value for this argument.
- If a model object is specified, users have to set the number of parameters using the
property of the model class. See how to define a custom model as a Maltab class object.
Default: None
Example: 'NumParams',{'Normal',[0,10]}
'SaveParams' - Flag to save training parameters or not
Data Type: true | false
Flag to save variational parameters in each VB iteration.
Default: false
Example: 'SaveParams',true
'Setting' - Additional setting for custom models
Data Type: struct
Additional settings that could be use to define custom models as function handlers.
It is the most efficient to define these additional setting as a struct. This struct then will be passed to the function handlers as an input. See how to define custom model as function handler.
Default: None
Example: 'Setting',prior
with prior
is a struct whose fields are prior distribution name and parameters, e.g. = 'Normal'
and prior.params = [0,1]
'SigInitScale' - Constant factor for initialization
Data Type: double
The constant factor $c$ to scale the initial values.
Default: 0.1
Example: 'SigInitScale',0.5
'StdForInit' - Standard deviation of normal distribution for initialization
Data Type: double
The constant factor $\sigma$ to scale the convariance matrix of the normal distribution used to initialize the variational mean.
Only specify this argument when the argument 'InitMethod'
is set to 'Random'
Default: 0.01
Example: 'StdForInit',0.04
'StepAdaptive' - Threshold to start reducing learning rates
Data Type: Integer | Positive
The iteration to start reducing learning rate.
By default, this is set as 'MaxIter'/2
or 'MaxEpoch'/2
Must be smaller than 'MaxIter'
or 'MaxEpoch'
Default: 'MaxIter'/2
or 'MaxEpoch'/2
Example: 'StepAdaptive',300
'TrainingLoss' - Training loss over VB iterations
Data Type: string | cell array of strings
The VB algorithm uses lowerbound to access the convergence of the training phase.
However, users can also calculate the predictive scores evaluated on the training data over VB iterations. Users can specify a single metric, defined as a string, or multiple metrics, defined as a cell array of strings.
Available score metrics:
PPS | Partial Predictive Score |
MSE | Mean Squared Errors (for continuos output) |
MAE | Mean Absoluted Errors (for continuos output) |
CR | Classification rate (for binary output) |
For the PPS:
- If the models are specified as function handlers, users have to also specify function handlers to the argument
to compute the log-likelihood of the custom models. - If the models are specified as class objects, users have to define a method named
to compute the log-likelihood of the custom models.
Default: None
Example: 'TrainingLoss',{'PPS','MSE'}
'Verbose' - Flag to show real-time fitting information or not
Data Type: True | False
By default, the index of the current iteration and lowerbound are shown in every iteration. Set 'Verbose'
to be false
to turn off these messages.
Default: true
Example: 'Verbose',false
'WindowSize' - Rolling window size to smooth the lowerbound
Data Type: Integer | Positive
Size of moving average window that is used to smooth the lowerbound. Denoted as $t_W$ in Algorithm 7.
Default: 50
Example: 'WindowSize',100
Output Arguments
Data type: struct
Estimation results, specified as a structure with these fields:
LB | Estimation of the Lower Bound over iterations |
LB_smooth | Smoothed Lower Bound over iterations |
lambda | Estimation of variational parameters |
mu | Estimation of variational mean |
Sigma | Estimation of the variational covariance matrix |
sigma2 | Diagonal of the variational covariance matrix |
Examples Github code
This example shows how to use MGVB to fit a logistic regression model on the LabourForce dataset. First, Load the LabourForce data as a matrix. The last column is the response variable.
% Random seed to reproduce results
% Load the LabourForce dataset
labour = readData('LabourForce',... % Dataset name
'Type','Matrix',... % Store data as a 2D array (default)
'Intercept', true); % Add column of intercept (default)
Create a LogisticRegression model object by specifying the number of parameters as the input argument. Change the variance of the normal prior to $50$.
% Compute number of features
n_features = size(labour,2)-1;
% Create a Logistic Regression model object
Mdl = LogisticRegression(n_features,...
Run MGVB to obtain VB approximation of the posterior distribution of model parameters.
% Run MGVB to approximate the posterior distribution of model
% using a multivariate normal density
Post_MGVB = MGVB(Mdl,labour,...
'LearningRate',0.001,... % Learning rate
'NumSample',100,... % Number of samples to estimate gradient of lowerbound
'MaxPatience',50,... % For Early stopping
'MaxIter',2000,... % Maximum number of iterations
'GradWeight',0.4,... % Momentum weight
'WindowSize',30,... % Smoothing window for lowerbound
'SigInitScale',0.04,... % Std of normal distribution for initializing
'StepAdaptive',500,... % For adaptive learning rate
'GradientMax',100,... % For gradient clipping
'LBPlot',true); % Plot the smoothed lowerbound at the end
The plot of lowerbound shows that the MGVB algorithm converges well. However, the algorithm can converge better by increasing the number of iterations, patience or learning rate.
[1] Tran, M.-N., Nguyen, D. H., and Nguyen, D. (2020). Variational Bayes on manifolds. Technical report. arXiv:1908.03097.Read the paper