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GVB with Cholesky decomposed covariance (CGVB)

This section describes the GVB with Cholesky decomposed covariance (CGVB) technique

See: Variational Bayes Introduction, Fixed Form Variational Bayes


$\def\t{\theta} \def\LB{\text{LB}} \def\E{\mathbb{E}} \def\KL{\text{KL}} \newcommand{\wh}{\widehat} \newcommand{\wt}{\widetilde} \def\F{\cal{F}} \def\N{\cal{N}} \def\s{\sigma} \def\a{\alpha} \def\b{\beta} \def\l{\lambda} \def\d{d} \newcommand{\eps}{\epsilon} \def\veps{\varepsilon} \def\vech{\text{vech}}$ The most popular VB approaches are probably Gaussian VB (GVB) where the approximation $q_\l(\theta)$ is a Gaussian distribution with mean $\mu$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma$. This section presents several variants of this GVB approach.

GVB with Cholesky decomposed covariance (CGVB) uses the Cholesky decomposition for the covariance matrix $\Sigma$, $\Sigma=LL^\top$ with $L$ a lower triangular matrix whose diagonal entries are strictly positive.

We will use the reparameterization trick for variance reduction. A sample $\theta\sim q_\lambda(\theta)$ can be written as $\theta=g(\lambda,\veps)=\mu+L\veps$ with $\veps\sim \N_d(0,I_d)$, and $d$ the dimension of $\theta$. The variational parameter vector $\lambda$ includes $\mu$ and the non-zero elements of $L$.

As Jacobian matrix $\nabla_\mu g(\lambda,\veps)=I$, the identity matrix, from (24), the gradient of the lower bound w.r.t. $\mu$ is

\[\nabla_\mu\LB(\l)=\E_\veps\big[\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta)\big],\;\;\;\text{with}\;\;\;\theta=\mu+L\veps.\]

To compute the gradient w.r.t. $L$, we first need some notations. For a $d\times d$ matrix $A$, denote by $\vec(A)$ the $d^2$-vector obtained by stacking the columns of $A$ from left to right one underneath the other, by $\vech(A)$ the $\frac12d(d+1)$-vector obtained by stacking the columns of the lower triangular part of $A$, and by $A\otimes B$ the Kronecker product of matrices $A$ and $B$.

For any matrices $A$, $B$ and $X$ of suitable sizes, we shall use the fact that $\text{vec}(AXB)=(B^\top\otimes A)\text{vec}(X)$. Then, $L\veps=\text{vec}(I_dL\veps)=(\veps^\top\otimes I_d)\text{vec}(L)$ and hence $\nabla_{\text{vec}(L)} g(\lambda,\veps)=\veps^\top\otimes I_d$.

From (24),

\[\begin{eqnarray} \nabla_{\text{vec}(L)}\LB(\lambda)&=&\E_{\veps}\Big[\nabla_{\text{vec}(L)}g(\lambda,\veps)^\top\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta)\Big]\\ &=&\E_{\veps}\Big[(\veps\otimes I_d) \nabla_{\theta} h_\lambda(\theta)\Big]\\ &=&\E_{\veps}\Big[\text{vec}\big(\nabla_{\theta} h_\lambda(\theta)\veps^\top\big)\Big],\;\;\;\text{with}\;\;\;\theta=\mu+L\veps.\end{eqnarray}\]

This implies that \(\nabla_{\vech(L)}\LB(\l)=\E_{\veps}\big[\vech\big(\nabla_{\theta} h_\lambda(\theta)\veps^\top\big)\big].\) From Algorithm 6, we arrive at the following GVB algorithm, referred to below as Cholesky GVB.

Algorithm 7: Cholesky GVB

  • Input: Initial $\mu^{(0)}$, $L^{(0)}$ and $\l^{(0)}:=({\mu^{(0)}}^\top,\vech(L^{(0)})^\top)^\top$, number of samples $S$, adaptive learning weights $\beta_1,\beta_2\in(0,1)$, fixed learning rate $\eps_0$, threshold $\tau$, rolling window size $t_W$ and maximum patience $P$. Model-specific requirement: function $h(\theta)$ and $\nabla_\theta h(\theta)$.

  • Initialization
    • Generate $\varepsilon_s\sim N_d(0,I)$, $s=1,…,S$.
    • Compute the estimate of the lower bound gradient

      \(\wh{\nabla}_\l\LB(\l^{(0)}) = (\wh{\nabla}_\mu\LB(\l^{(0)})^\top,\wh{\nabla}_{\vech(L)}\LB(\l^{(0)})^\top)^\top\) where

      \[\begin{eqnarray} \wh{\nabla}_\mu\LB(\l^{(0)})&:=&\frac1S\sum_{s=1}^S\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta_s),\\ \wh{\nabla}_{\vech(L)}\LB(\l^{(0)})&:=&\frac1S\sum_{s=1}^S\vech\big(\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta_s)\veps_s^\top\big), \end{eqnarray}\]

      with $\theta_s=\mu^{(0)}+L^{(0)}\veps_s$.

    • Set $g_0:=\wh{\nabla}_\l\mathcal{L}(\l^{(0)})$, $v_0:=(g_0)^2$, $\bar g:=g_0$, $\bar v:=v_0$.
    • Set $t=0$, $\text{patience}=0$ and $\texttt{stop=false}$.
  • While $\texttt{stop=false}$:
    • Generate $\veps_s\sim p_{\veps}(\cdot)$, $s=1,…,S$. Recalculate $\mu^{(t)}$ and $L^{(t)}$ from $\lambda^{(t)}$.
    • Compute the estimate of the lower bound gradient



      \[\begin{eqnarray} \wh{\nabla}_\mu\LB(\l^{(t)})&:=&\frac{1}{S}\sum_{s=1}^S\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta_s),\\ \wh{\nabla}_{\vech(L)}\LB(\l^{(t)})&:=&\frac{1}{S}\sum_{s=1}^S\vech\big(\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta_s)\veps_s^\top\big), \end{eqnarray}\]

      with $\theta_s=\mu^{(t)}+L^{(t)}\veps_s$.

    • Compute $v_t=(g_t)^2$ and

      \[\bar g =\beta_1 \bar g+(1-\beta_1)g_t,\;\;\bar v =\beta_2 \bar v+(1-\beta_2)v_t.\]
    • Compute $\alpha_t=\min(\varepsilon_0,\varepsilon_0\frac{\tau}{t})$ and update

      \[\l^{(t+1)}=\l^{(t)}+\a_t \bar g/\sqrt{\bar v}\]
    • Compute the lower bound estimate

      \[\wh{\mathcal{L}}(\l^{(t)}):=\frac{1}{S}\sum_{s=1}^S h_\lambda(\theta_s).\]
    • If $t\geq t_W$: compute the moving averaged lower bound

      \[\overline{\mathcal{L}}_{t-t_W+1}=\frac{1}{t_W}\sum_{k=1}^{t_W} \wh{\mathcal{L}}(\l^{(t-k+1)}),\]

      and if $\overline {\mathcal{L}}_{t-t_W+1}\geq\max(\overline\LB)$ patience = 0; else $\text{patience}:=\text{patience}+1$.

    • If $\text{patience}\geq P$, $\texttt{stop=true}$.
    • Set $t:=t+1$.

Next: GVB with factor decomposed covariance