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Mean Field Variational Bayes (MFVB)

This tutorial gives a quick introduction to Mean Field Variational Bayes.

See: Variational Bayes Introduction

$\def\t{\theta} \def\LB{\text{LB}} \def\E{\mathbb{E}} \def\KL{\text{KL}} \newcommand{\wh}{\widehat} \newcommand{\wt}{\widetilde} \def\F{\cal{F}}$ Let’s write $\theta$ as $\theta=(\theta_1^\top,\t_2^\top)^\top$. Here $a^\top$ denotes the transpose of vector $a$; and all vectors in this tutorial are column vectors. MFVB assumes the following factorization form for $q$


i.e., we ignore the posterior dependence between $\theta_1$, $\theta_2$ and attempt to approximate $p(\t_1,\t_2|y)$ by $q(\t)=q_1(\t_1)q_2(\t_2)$. This is the only assumption/restriction we put on the class $\mathcal Q$.

The lower bound in (1) is

\[\begin{eqnarray} \LB(q_1,q_2)&=&\int q_1(\t_1)q_2(\t_2)\log\frac{p(\t,y)}{q_1(\t_1)q_2(\t_2)}d\t_1d\t_2\\ &=&\int q_1(\t_1)q_2(\t_2)\log p(\t,y)d\t_1d\t_2\\ &&-\int q_1(\t_1)\log q_1(\t_1)d\t_1-\int q_2(\t_2)\log q_2(\t_2)d\t_2\\ &=&\int q_1(\t_1)\mathbb{E}_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)]d\t_1-\int q_1(\t_1)\log q_1(\t_1)d\t_1+C(q_2) \end{eqnarray}\]

where $\E_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)]:=\E_{q_2(\t_2)}[\log p(y,\t)]=\int q_2(\t_2)\log p(y,\t) d\t_2$ and $C(q_2)$ is the term independent of $q_1$.

The funny-looking notation $\E_{-\t_1}(\cdot)$, meaning we take the expectation with respect to everything except $\theta_1$, turns out to be very convenient when we deal with the general MFVB procedure later. Hence,

\[\begin{eqnarray}\tag{3}\label{MFVB-3} \LB(q_1,q_2)&=&\int q_1(\t_1)\log\frac{\exp\big(\E_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)]\big)}{q_1(\t_1)}d\t_1+C(q_2)\notag\\ &=&\int q_1(\t_1)\log\frac{\wt q_1(\theta_1)}{q_1(\t_1)}d\t_1+C(q_2)+\log\wt C(q_2)\notag\\ &=&-\KL(q_1\|\wt q_1)+C(q_2)+\log\wt C(q_2), \end{eqnarray}\]

where $\wt q_1(\t_1)$ is the probability density function determined by \(\wt q_1(\t_1):=\frac{\exp(\E_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)])}{\wt C(q_2)}\propto \exp(\E_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)]),\) with $\wt C(q_2):=\int \exp(\E_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)])d\t_1$ also independent of $q_1$.

We therefore have that

\[\tag{4}\label{MFVB-4} \LB(q_1,q_2)=-\KL(q_1\|\wt q_1)+\text{ constant independent of $q_1$}.\]


\[\tag{5}\label{MFVB-5} \LB(q_1,q_2)=-\KL(q_2\|\wt q_2)+\text{ constant independent of $q_2$},\]

where $\wt q_2(\t_2)\propto \exp(\E_{-\t_2}[\log p(y,\t)])$ with $\E_{-\t_2}[\log p(y,\t)]:=\int q_1(\t_1)\log p(y,\t) d\t_1$.

The expressions in \eqref{MFVB-4}-\eqref{MFVB-5} suggest a coordinate ascent optimization procedure for maximizing the lower bound: given $q_2$, we minimize $\KL(q_1|\wt q_1)$ to find $q_1$, and given $q_1$ we minimize $\KL(q_2|\wt q_2)$ to find $q_2$.

The hope is that solving the optimization problems

\[\tag{6}\label{MFVB-6} \min_{q_1}\big\{\KL(q_1\|\wt q_1)\big\}\;\;\;\text{ and }\;\;\;\min_{q_2}\big\{\KL(q_2\|\wt q_2)\big\}\]

is easier than minimizing the original KL divergence between $q(\theta_1,\theta_2)$ and $p(\theta_1,\theta_2|y)$.

If $\wt q_1$ and $\wt q_2$ are tractable and standard distributions (distribution that is well-understood and widely used, such as Gaussian, Gamma, etc.), then of course the solution to \eqref{MFVB-6} is $q_1=\wt q_1$ and $q_2=\wt q_2$.

The most useful scenario is the case of conjugate prior: the prior $p(\t_1)$ belongs to a parametric density family $\F_1$, then $\wt q_1(\t_1)$ also belongs to $\F_1$. Similarly, the prior $p(\t_2)$ belongs to a parametric density family $\F_2$, then $\wt q_2(\t_2)$ also belongs to $\F_2$.

Then the solutions to $\eqref{MFVB-6}$ are \(q_1(\theta_1)=\wt q_1(\t_1)\in\F_1\;\;\;\text{ and }\;\;\;q_2(\theta_2)=\wt q_2(\t_2)\in\F_2,\) and in order to identify $q_1$ and $q_2$ it’s only necessary to compute their parameters.

Computing the parameter in $q_1$ requires $q_2$ and vice versa, which suggests the following coordinate ascent-type algorithm for maximizing the lower bound:

Algorithm 1: Mean Field Variational Bayes

  • Step 1: Initialize the parameter of $q_1(\t_1)$
  • Step 2: Given $q_1(\t_1)$, update the parameter of $q_2(\t_2)$ using
\[\tag{7}\label{MFVB-7} q_2(\t_2)\propto \exp\big(\E_{-\t_2}[\log p(y,\t)]\big)=\exp\Big(\int q_1(\t_1)\log p(y,\t_1,\t_2)d\t_1\Big)\]
  • Step 3: Given $q_2(\t_2)$, update the parameter of $q_1(\t_1)$ using
\[\tag{8}\label{MFVB-8} q_1(\t_1)\propto \exp\big(\E_{-\t_1}[\log p(y,\t)]\big)=\exp\Big(\int q_2(\t_2)\log p(y,\t_1,\t_2)d\t_2\Big).\]
  • Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the stopping condition is met.

A stopping rule is to terminate the update if the change in the parameters of the VB posterior $q(\t)=q_1(\t_1)q_2(\t_2)$ between two consecutive iterations is less than some threshold $\epsilon$.

In the case the lower bound $\LB(q_1,q_2)$ can be computed, one can stop the algorithm if the increase (or the percentage of the increase) in the lower bound is less than some threshold.

Note: $\LB(q)$ increases after each iteration.

Next: MFVB for elaborate models