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GVB with factor decomposed covariance (VAFC)

This section describes the GVB with factor decomposed covariance (VAFC) technique

See: Variational Bayes Introduction, Fixed Form Variational Bayes


$\def\t{\theta} \def\LB{\text{LB}} \def\E{\mathbb{E}} \def\KL{\text{KL}} \newcommand{\wh}{\widehat} \newcommand{\wt}{\widetilde} \def\F{\cal{F}} \def\N{\cal{N}} \def\s{\sigma} \def\a{\alpha} \def\b{\beta} \def\l{\lambda} \def\d{d} \newcommand{\eps}{\epsilon} \def\veps{\varepsilon} \def\vech{\text{vech}} \def\diag{\text{diag}}$ An alternative to the Cholesky decomposition is the factor decomposition $\Sigma=BB^\top+C^2,$ where $B$ is the factor loading matrix of size $d\times f$ with $f\ll d$ the number of factors and $C$ is a diagonal matrix, $C=\text{diag}(c_1,…,c_d)$.

GVB with this factor covariance structure is useful in high-dimensional settings where $d$ is large, as the number of variational parameters reduces from $d+d*(d+1)/2$ in the case of full Gaussian to $(f+2)d$ in the case of factor decomposition.

This VB method is first developed in Ong et. al (2018) who term the method Variational Approximation with Factor Covariance (VAFC) and use Algorithm 6 for training, as computing the natural gradient in this case is difficult.

This section describes the case with one factor, $f=1$, which achieves a great computational speed-up for approximate Bayesian inference in big models such as deep neural networks where $d$ can be very large. Also, with $f=1$, Tran et. al (2020) show that it is possible to calculate the natural gradient efficiently and term their method NAtural gradient Gaussian Variational Approximation with factor Covariance (NAGVAC).

With $f=1$, we rewrite the factor decomposition as


where $b=(b_1,…,b_d)^\top$ and $c=(c_1,…,c_d)^\top$ are vectors. The variational parameter vector is $\lambda=(\mu^\top,b^\top,c^\top)^\top$. Using the reparameterization trick, $\theta\sim\N(\mu,\Sigma)$ can be written as

\[\theta = g(\lambda,\veps)=\mu+\veps_1b+c\circ\veps_2\]

where $\veps=(\veps_1,\veps_2^\top)^\top\sim\N_{d+1}(0,I)$, and $c\circ\veps_2$ denotes the component-wise product of vectors $c$ and $\veps_2$. Note that \(\nabla_\mu g(\lambda,\veps)=I_d,\;\;\;\;\nabla_b g(\lambda,\veps)=\veps_1I_d,\;\;\;\;\nabla_c g(\lambda,\veps) =\diag(\veps_2),\)

hence the reparameterization gradient is

\[\tag{30}\label{eq: GVB factor grad est} \nabla_\l\LB(\l)=\E_{q_\veps}\begin{pmatrix}\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\mu+\veps_1b+c\circ\veps_2)\\ \veps_1 \nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\mu+\veps_1b+c\circ\veps_2)\\ \veps_2 \circ \nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\mu+\veps_1b+c\circ\veps_2) \end{pmatrix}.\]

The gradient of function $h_\lambda(\theta)$ is

\[\nabla_\theta h_\lambda(\theta)=\nabla_\theta h(\theta)-\nabla_\theta\log q_\lambda(\theta)=\nabla_\theta\log\big(p(\theta)p(y|\theta)\big)-\nabla_\theta\log q_\lambda(\theta),\]

where the first term is model-specific and the second term is $\nabla_\theta\log q_\lambda(\theta)=-\Sigma^{-1}(\theta-\mu)$.

To avoid computing directly the inverse $\Sigma^{-1}$ and the matrix-vector multiplication, noting that $\Sigma^{-1}=C^{-2}-\frac{1}{1+b^\top C^{-2}b} C^{-2}bb^\top C^{-2}$, we have

\[\nabla_\theta\log q_\lambda(\theta)=-(\theta-\mu)\circ c^{-2}+\frac{(b\circ c^{-2})^\top(\theta-\mu)}{1+(b\circ c^{-1})^\top (b\circ c^{-1})}(b\circ c^{-2}),\]

with $c^{-1}:=(1/c_1,…,1/c_d)^\top$ and $c^{-2}:=(1/c_1^2,…,1/c_d^2)^\top$. To compute lower bound estimates, we need

\[\log q_\lambda(\theta) = -\frac{d}{2}\log(2\pi)-\frac12\log|\Sigma|-\frac12(\theta-\mu)^\top\Sigma^{-1}(\theta-\mu).\]

As $\Sigma=C\big((C^{-1}b)(C^{-1}b)^\top+I\big)C$,

\[|\Sigma| = |C|^2\big(1+(C^{-1}b)^\top(C^{-1}b)\big)=\big(\prod_{i=1}^d{c_i^2}\big)\big(1+\sum_{i=1}^d\frac{b_i^2}{c_i^2}\big).\]

Hence, a computationally efficient version of $\log q_\lambda(\theta)$ is

\[\begin{eqnarray} \log q_\lambda(\theta) &=& -\frac{d}{2}\log(2\pi)-\frac12\sum_{i=1}^d\log c_i^2-\frac12\log\big(1+\sum_{i=1}^d\frac{b_i^2}{c_i^2}\big)\\ &&\phantom{ccc}-\frac12(\theta-\mu)^\top\big((\theta-\mu)\circ c^{-2}\big)+\frac{\big((b\circ c^{-2})^\top(\theta-\mu)\big)^2}{2\big(1+(b\circ c^{-1})^\top(b\circ c^{-1})\big)}. \end{eqnarray}\]

Finally, it can be shown that the natural gradient in (19) can be approximately computed in closed form as in the following algorithm (see Tran et al. (2020)), whose computational complexity is $O(d)$.

Algorithm 8: Computing the natural gradient

Input: Vector $b$, $c$ and ordinary gradient of the lower bound $g = (g_1^\top,g_2^\top,g_3^\top)^\top$ with $g_1$ the vector formed by the first $d$ elements of $g$, $g_2$ formed by the next $d$ elements, and $g_3$ the last $d$ elements. Output: The natural gradient $g^{\text{nat}}=I_F^{-1}g$.

  • Compute the vectors $v_1=c^2-2b^2\circ c^{-4}$, $v_2=b^2\circ c^{-3}$, and the scalars $\kappa_1=\sum_{i=1}^db_i^2/c_i^2$, $\kappa_2=\frac{1}{2}(1+\sum_{i=1}^d v_{2i}^2/v_{1i})^{-1}$.
  • Compute
\[g^{\text{nat}}=\begin{pmatrix} (g_1^\top b)b+c^2\circ g_1\\ \frac{1+\kappa_1}{2\kappa_1}\Big((g_2^\top b)b+c^2\circ g_2\Big)\\ \frac12v_1^{-1}\circ g_3+\kappa_2 \big[(v_1^{-1}\circ v_2)^\top g_3\big](v_1^{-1}\circ v_2) \end{pmatrix}.\]


We now describe the NAGVAC algorithm that can be used as a fast VB method for approximate Bayesian inference in high-dimensional applications such as Bayesian deep neural networks. In such applications, instead of using the lower bounds for stopping rule, one often uses a loss function evaluated on a validation dataset for stopping. Then, the updating is stopped if the loss function is not decreased after $P$ iterations.

Algorithm 9: NAGVAC

  • Input: Initial $\lambda^{(0)}:=(\mu^{(0)},b^{(0)},c^{(0)})$, number of samples $S$, momentum weight $\a_m$, fixed learning rate $\eps_0$, threshold $\tau$, rolling window size $t_W$ and maximum patience $P$. Model-specific requirement: function $h(\theta)$ and $\nabla_\theta h(\theta)$.
  • Initialization
    • Generate $\varepsilon_{1,s}\sim \N(0,1)$ and $\varepsilon_{2,s}\sim \N_d(0,I_d)$, $s=1,…,S$.
    • Compute the lower bound gradient estimate $\wh{\nabla_\l\LB}(\l^{(0)})$ as in \eqref{eq: GVB factor grad est}, and then compute the natural gradient $\wh{\nabla_\l\LB}(\l^{(0)})^{\text{nat}}$ using Algorithm 8.
    • Set momentum gradient $\overline{{\nabla_\l{\LB}}}:=\wh{\nabla_{\lambda}\LB} (\l^{(0)})^{\text{nat}}$.
    • Set $t=0$, $\text{patience}=0$ and $\texttt{stop=false}$
  • While $\texttt{stop=false}:$
    • Generate $\varepsilon_{1,s}\sim \N(0,1)$ and $\varepsilon_{2,s}\sim \N_d(0,I_d)$, $s=1,…,S$.
    • Compute the lower bound gradient estimate $\wh{\nabla_\l\LB}(\l^{(1)})$ as in \eqref{eq: GVB factor grad est}, and then compute the natural gradient $\wh{\nabla_\l\LB}(\l^{(1)})^{\text{nat}}$ using Algorithm 8.
    • Compute the momentum gradient

      \[\overline{{\nabla_\l{\LB}}} = \alpha_\text{m} \overline{{\nabla_\l{\LB}}}+(1-\alpha_\text{m})\wh{\nabla_{\lambda}\LB}(\l^{(t)})^{\text{nat}}\]
    • Compute $\alpha_t=\min(\epsilon_0,\epsilon_0\frac{\tau}{t})$ and update

      \[\l^{(t+1)}=\l^{(t)}+\a_t \overline{{\nabla_\l{\LB}}}\]
    • Compute the validation loss $\text{Loss}(\lambda^{(t)})$.
      • If $\text{Loss}(\lambda^{(t)})\leq \min{\text{Loss}(\lambda^{(1)}),…,\text{Loss}(\lambda^{(t-1)})}$ patience = 0;
      • else $\text{patience}:=\text{patience}+1$.
    • If $\text{patience}\geq P$, $\texttt{stop=true}$.
    • Set $t:=t+1$.


Tran, M.-N., Nguyen, T.-N., Nott, D., and Kohn, R. (2020). Bayesian deep net GLM and GLMM. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 29(1):97-113. Read the paper

Ong, V. M.-H., Nott, D. J., and Smith, M. S. (2018). Gaussian variational approximation with a factor covariance structure. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27(3):465-478. Read the paper